SAVE THE DATE - July 23, 2011
The Raymond Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Day at the Liquid Planet Water Park on July 23, 2011. The Chamber will have a Cabana for the members to get together, socialize and meet new friends.
Enjoy the day. Bring Family and Friends for the low price of $12 per person.
The chamber is looking for donated items to raffle at the event. The money will be donated to the N.H. Dream Factory.
All items can be dropped of at People’s United Bank or call Judy Williams at 895-9718 to arrange for the item to be picked up.
Making Dreams Come True For Critically and Chronically Ill Children Is What We Are All About
The Dream Factory is a volunteer-based non profit organization devoted to granting dreams to critically and chronically ill children. We are the only children’s wish-granting organization that grants dreams to children with chronic illness as well a life-threatening illness.
The cost of an average dream is $3,000 to $5,000 and our volunteers raise these funds. More than 90% of every dollar raised goes to fund children’s dreams and our by-laws state that chapters will have no paid staff. We are 100% volunteers. The money raised will go to granting dreams in New Hampshire.
Dreams are reviewed by the directors, followed by a visit to the family to be assured that this is the child’s dream. Once the child dream is in place, there are medical and release forms the family must sign as well as the doctor. Travel arrangements are made and the details are put into place. We have given a child a few moments of happiness and inspired hope.
You too can help, by donating a gift, to create memories and hope for children with life threatening illnesses. Even the smallest donation means a big difference.